Monday, January 16, 2012

Slow Down, but Don't Give Up

 I want to make a difference.

I am a privileged White American, rich by most world standards.
As a Christian I want to advocate for justice worldwide because all people matter to God.

Recently I was stopped in these thoughts by 2 items.
1. The creator of TOMS wrote a book. I ran across this video while adding his book to my Pintrest page. I will read this book before I'm 30 as part of my "30 before I'm 30" goals.

2. This blog post from ACT:S entitled You Were Not Built to Save this World.

So I'm taking a deep breath. I am also beginning to read the Good and Beautiful God as part of my small group and his first challenge to us was to get more rest because of how intertwined our souls are with our bodies.  I want to be poured out and used up by a God worthy of all praise, so I want to be sure I'm filling myself with good things, not focusing on the productivity of those things or how quickly I can absorb all the things I could do. I need to give room to focus on which of those "good things" God would have me do. Good night.