Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanks and giving part 2

I have several friends who've posted each day in November a status update on Facebook that says something they are thankful for. I appreciate those friends who remind me how important gratefulness is in our daily lives. I know I overlook it often and tend to settle my thoughts on things I want to be different.
TI says at the beginning of Live Your Life -
You gotta be grateful for what you got / 
Stop lookin at what you aint got  / 
and start being thankful for what you do got /
So here are my 30 things to be thankful for in November*
*(although I do want to try to increase my own awareness of the blessings in my life more often than this one month of the year)

I am thankful for:
  1. The use of my body in ways it was created - hands for helping others, mouth for speaking love and eyes for seeing others as unique individuals (Thanks Margot Starbuck for that reminder in Unsqueezed)
  2. My new appreciation for beer so that occasionally I can buy it instead of the more expensive wine option.
  3. Friends like Matt and Tara Brown who love me well, host great get togethers and are preparing to go to Burkina Faso to identify further ways to love people well. I'm so excited for them to go. 
  4. Friends like Ryan and Erin Bennett who are faithfully preparing to serve God in France through church building. They are also just great people and I wish I saw them more often. 
  5. The Kiva Loan program that provides micro-loans to people with business ideas in impoverished nations like Kenya.
  6. Lazy Saturday mornings that allow for reflection, delicious food and quiet moments to simply 'be' (with a cup of hot coffee in hand)
  7. Twin City Diner that I affectionately call "Cheers" because I want to have a "local hangout." Their food is always good.
  8. The 2 pair of house slippers I got from my mom and sister when I moved into a house with hardwood floors. They make my house cozier :) 
  9. My friend Lisa Tandan and her husband for wanting to get different furniture. I am satisfied with my couch and chair, all thanks to them! 
  10. The beach, which I'll soon see again with my own eyes - yay for Thanksgiving with family
  11. My family that lives on the beach - you chose well and I am grateful
  12. Seeing Susannah at Elon. Such a blessing to see my former high schooler loving college life. 
  13. Our farm share co-op that has made me healthier and more creative. I've also been forced to slow down and cook so as not to let anything go to waste. 
  14. The Peace Sign magnet on my car. I got it to support the Hunger Site, but it also helps me quickly spot my car in parking lots.
  15. My notebook I'm keeping lists like this in. 
  16. A good pen 
  17. The NCCDA conference I recently attended. It's always confirming that I'm in the right profession for me.
  18. My roommate's family mountain house, Ben Haven. It's really a great place to get away.
  19. CNN's breaking news Twitter feed, otherwise I might not know what's going on.
  20. Children's books like Max Lucado's Wemmicks series. 
  21. Freshly shaven legs.
  22. Days like yesterday where it occurs to me that I love NC. The weather was positively splendid.
  23. Visiting college campuses. This weekend I actually saw Elon, NC State and Meredith within 48 hours.
  24. My lavender and chamomile neck warmer. It's wonderful after a long day. 
  25. Salem Lake where I do my long runs. My soul finds peace there. 
  26. First Pres and how every night in December they commit to volunteering at Samaritan Inn
  27. Tent camping and how I got to do it twice this year :) 
  28. Pumpkin muffins of only 2 ingredients - spice cake mix and a can of pumpkin
  29. Walking across a college campus between classes. I love observing the life happening around me and feeling part of something much bigger than myself.
  30. My advisory board of undergraduate students, Bryan Career Leaders. I'm enjoying having their insight and ideas to help all the business students. 
Hey that wasn't so hard! I could keep going. That's something else to be thankful for!
Do you have a list too?