Sunday, January 29, 2012

Waiting on the Lord

"If I am to wait on the Lord, I want to be the Lord's while I wait."

I heard this awesome summary of Isaiah 40:28-31today and had to share it. We had a congregational meeting with my church this morning to hear updates on our search for a new senior pastor. The search has been going on for a long time and we as a church have learned to wait actively. I can do this more easily as part of my church family, but have more difficulty applying it to the things in my life.
I've seen my impatience rear its ugly head in a few different facets of my life. Patience is truly a spiritual gift and not something I can just drum up in my own strength.
  • I've been impatient in my career goals, wanting to do everything now.
  • I've been impatient in my personal life with friends who are in different life stages and feeling alienated by them.
  • I've been impatient in my walk with God and reconciling that I'm 28 and didn't picture myself still single and living with roommates. 
  • I've been impatient in the places I serve and wanting to start too many things that we can't finish. 
Now with each of these things, particularly in the last 48 hours, I've begun to notice that God has not let them go unnoticed. He still has my back and continues to encourage me in unexpected ways. He is still sovereign and has good plans for me, and for you.