Sunday, June 3, 2012

Chemistry Lesson

Remember chemistry class? Ok this "lesson" is probably from 5th grade science because it's pretty basic, but I recently remembered the differences between a physical reaction and a chemical reaction.

Water changes to ice with a temperature change. The state of the H20 changed. We give it a new name, but it's molecules are still H20.

Creating compost on the other hand is a change in the chemical makeup of the substances. No longer are old veggies sitting in a pot. Instead something has occurred and rich soil can help other things grow. That transformation creates something wholly new. Something that can't return to it's other state. Rich soil can't reverse into an old banana peel. It's not possible.

Recently while sitting outside a Panera on a beautiful afternoon, I was thinking about science class and my faith as I picked at my Thai Chopped Chicken Salad. As I was reading the Good and Beautiful God for my small group, I realized I live my life like a physical reaction more often than a chemical one. But this is wrong thinking. We are transformed when we accept Christ as savior into something wholly different and fundamentally more ourselves than before.

I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. (Galatians 2:9-20). 

Christ dwells in His believers and this transforms us into a new creation. The old is gone the new has come. Now I just need to learn to live this way. I'm not just an altered state. I'm living in the truth. I'm not just drinking the KoolAid that is offered in a supportive and loving church body, or good music and a positive outlook. I'm wholly changed and get to live the rest of my life in the process of sanctification to be more of me. To be the way I was made.

Such cute kids performing Chris Tomlin's Way I was Made. Oh that Chris Tomlin!